Stephen Lennon
Is a proud Lancastrian, despite the fact he has lived most of his life in Yorkshire. His love of the landscape stems from his early life, born and bred in Burnley, the Pennine Hills and Pendle in particular were always tantalisingly in view.
There was no family car, so outings to the country didn't happen until a youth club trip aged 15, when the beauty of landscape was revealed.
Arriving after dark one Friday, followed by a night under canvas he emerged from the tent at first light to be greeted by the Borrowdale fells an awe-inspiring sight especially for a boy who had never seen anything bigger than the distant Pendle hill. The sound of the water rolling down the fellside, the smell of the earth, the high crags against the watercolour sky...
Always a lover of painting and drawing, Stephen used the vehicle of paint to explore his reaction to the landscape. First in watercolour then more recently through acrylics, gouache and often using mixed media.