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Work on Board or Canvas
Shown as square images, when clicked to enlarge will show the whole image which may be rectangular.
Puy de Sancy 80x80cm £1200
Brume et la Lumiere 60x60cm £995
Looking for the Sea. 100x100cm £1800
The route to the top by the long path. 90x90cm
An impression of a re-imagined walk over the cliffs not far from home.
Changing Weather, 60x60, £995
Over the "mountain" 60x60cm Acrylic on board £1200
Called the mountain locally, this is not much more than a cliff by the river. But I like the description by a friend who lives nearby.
Les Champs du Bocage, 80x80cm £1200
Champ_inondé,_lumière_tardive._90x90cm SOLD
Le Bocage en Rouge 60x60cm SOLD
A walk by the Thouaret, 60x60cm 1100 Sold
Le Haut Gorneau 60x60cm SOLD
La Bocage en Hiver 60x60cm £995
Abstracted, Bocage Landscape. Acrylic on Canvas
Les Champs Ensoleille, Pres de Chiche 60x60cm 995 Euros
A Cote La Thouaret. 60x60cm £900
A Break in the stormclouds Nidderdale SOLD
Eclat d'Orange 80x80cm 1200
Bocage impression 80x80cm SOLD
Red Landscape, Bocage 30x30cm £400
An impression, abstract elements and inverted colours.
La colline mystique 60x60cm £900
Crespiscule, Bocage 60x60cm £900
Scilly Rocks 60x60cm £995
Beach, and waves.Tresco Scilly Isles.
La Vallee de Falaises 60x60cm £900
Mare profond 60x60cm £995
Transient Light 60x60 cm £900
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